# Reload systemd daemon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Start story-geth service
sudo systemctl start story-geth
# Enable story-geth service on boot
sudo systemctl enable story-geth
# Check story-geth service status
sudo systemctl status story-geth
Story Service Management
# Reload systemd daemon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Start story service
sudo systemctl start story
# Enable story service on boot
sudo systemctl enable story
# Check story service status
sudo systemctl status story
sudo apt install curl tmux jq lz4 unzip -y
sed -i.bak -E "s|^(enable[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\\1false|" $HOME/.story/story/config/config.toml
# Stop services and backup validator state
sudo systemctl stop story story-geth
cp $HOME/.story/story/data/priv_validator_state.json $HOME/.story/story/priv_validator_state.json.backup
# Remove and restore Story data
rm -rf $HOME/.story/story/data
curl https://files-story.winnode.xyz/story/story-snapshot.tar.lz4 | lz4 -dc - | tar -xf - -C $HOME/.story/story
# Restore validator state
mv $HOME/.story/story/priv_validator_state.json.backup $HOME/.story/story/data/priv_validator_state.json
# Remove and restore Geth data
rm -rf $HOME/.story/geth/odyssey/geth/chaindata
curl https://files-story.winnode.xyz/geth/geth-snapshot.tar.lz4 | lz4 -dc - | tar -xf - -C $HOME/.story/geth/odyssey/geth
# restart node and check logs
sudo systemctl restart story story-geth
sudo journalctl -u story-geth -u story -f
Always backup your keys before making any changes
Keep your private keys secure and never share them
Monitor service status regularly to ensure proper operation